Use iPhone 15 as wired hotspot on Windows PC (USB tethering)

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Since the iPhone 15 comes with an USB-C port, it’s easier to connect it a PC using any standard USB-C cable. Sharing your hotspot over a wired connection can help save battery on your phone when compared to a wireless hotspot connection.

To share your iPhone’s internet over a wired connection to a PC:

  1. Connect iPhone via USB C
  2. 2. Disable Wi-Fi on your PC
  3. Check if you are connected to the internet
    • If you’re connected to the internet, your icon on the taskbar should look like Shows the taskbar Icon for a wired internet connection on a Windows PC
  4. If you still aren’t connected, go to Settings > Network & internet > Ethernet and check if Ethernet 3 is available
  5. If not, install iTunes for Windows
    • After opening iTunes, you’ll be asked for the passcode on your iPhone to authorize the connection
  6. Keep iTunes open
  7. Even after all this, hotspot on the iPhone will probably keep disconnecting for no reason
    • Turn Wi-Fi on & off on your PC to get connected to the USB hotspot again
  8. Expect more disconnections
  9. Get frustrated and buy an Android







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